“The Doyles”
My painting called “Living on the Edge” has made it into the finals of “The Doyles”.
My painting called “Living on the Edge” has made it into the finals of “The Doyles”.
Prints of “Living on the Edge”, “Afternoon Tide” and “Two Jubilees, in the Calm, Before the Front Hits” are now available at https://www.buyartnow.com.au/site_search?search=Rod+Bailey.
A print of “Great” is off to the United States next week and should look great hanging on the wall over there scaring local swimmers.
More of my paintings are now available to purchase as prints from https://www.buyartnow.com.au/site_search?search=Rod+Bailey
You can now purchase prints of some of my paintings at https://www.buyartnow.com.au/rod-bailey. I’m putting more up all the time.
I will be having a few exhibitions of my work early in 2022 – keep an eye on my site for more details.